Times of India reports name of ministers PA incorrectly, yet no one questions quality

Union Minister Shripad Naik injured in a car accident
The media reported that Union Minister Shripad Naik was injured in a car accident, and his wife Vijaya , aide Deepak Ramdada Gome was killed in the accident in his Toyota Innova car, near Ankola in Uttar Kannada district, Karnataka. The vehicle swerved and overturned after the vehicle hit a damaged part of the road on the way to Gokarna
There is some confusion in the extent of the injuries, times of india claimed that he is stable and requires minor surgeries, while other sources like Republic, Prudent Media claim that he is critical. It appears that it was a very serious accident, since two persons were killed, so the minister is also likely to be seriously injured.
Times of India, goa is also reporting the name of the personal secretary/personal assistant who died in the accident as Deepak Dube, when other sources are mentioning the name as Deepak Gome. This shows the accuracy of the mainstream media, no one questions times of india, about its quality when it mentions names incorrectly, only small publishers like the domain investor are hounded, denied advertising, giving the fake excuse that the quality of content is not good enough.